Sieh die Welt durch unsere Linse, No Filter Films - Eine kreative Videoagentur
+39 346 543 73 22 DE EN

Please Return To Your Screens

Q21 FreiRaum, FotoWien

At: 25. February 2022

Short film part of the exhibition SHOOT & THINK @q21_vienna @foto_wien
Opening 10.03.2022



Please Return To Your Screens

Today is Thursday 18th January 2054/35 After Corona.
Today is my 32nd attempt to escape Lockdown.
We’re not allowed to go outside. They say the air is toxic.
During the Great Pandemic, there were several civil wars across the planet.
A lot of people died from the virus, but even more during the riots.
The economy collapsed.
This Corona war lasted more than 15 years.
Everything is controlled now by the police. They’re watching us.
We are in permanent quarantine.
The only means to communicate is through the screens. No physical contact is allowed.
The only information we have is through SERMO, a global media controlled by the One
Government. A few people like me are unchipped. We are the pre-generation.
The new generation are microchipped from birth. They know no other world.
They say, we must quarantine for the survival of the human race.



Please Return To Your Screens is a dystopian short film set in the year 2054 (35 After Corona).
It is the protagonist’s 32nd attempt to escape lockdown. This project was developed during
Studio Image/Democracy in Distress. The initial idea for the short film stems from the
development of the propaganda poster Please Return To Your Screens in response to the first
assignment. These posters were designed as propaganda of the Corona era and are featured in
the film. Please Return is a critical commentary on the censorship of reality through lockdown,
and speculates a post-apocalyptic reality in order to redefine our relationship with the present.