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June Nieseins first Album

We are the resistance

At: 10. May 2020

Here is the entire interview with Salto:

"Apocalypse for me is the end of the world as we know it! Beside the whole exploitation of the nature, the slaughter of the animals, the mass manipulations of the media, the wars, the misleading of the society, the resulting addictions and dependencies and the unjust distribution of the resources, I feel the world no more as a creation of God, rather it is a prison to exploit humans as energy suppliers, to hold them in check and ignorance. Gregor Gysi said a few years ago that 60 people on this planet own the same amount as the rest of humanity. In the meantime it is far less. [We are spirit beings having a material experience here on earth. Every thought, every emotion manifests not only in our minds and bodies, no, they also manifest in the outside, and thus they also attack the collective consciousness of this earth. [*] Fear is a very low vibration! This is exactly what the rulers of this world want from us. They want us to live in fear, so that we can be controlled and manipulated, in order to eventually rob us of our freedom! The greatest universal divine good is individual freedom. Today we cannot leave the house, otherwise there are punishments! Therefore this world is the real hell or the real prison. Only with a high vibration we can leave it. We must become conscious, everything what we think, do, and feel, creates a reality, not only in us, but also in the outside! Therefore, Apocalypse is an invitation to people to finally become aware of who they are, and that everything that man does has a consequence. Apocalypse is the karma that we have created in the last hundreds of years."