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London Elephants - Alive

The new music video

At: 7. November 2018

LONDON ELEPHANTS: Indie for eyes and hearts.

The 5 guys from Bressanone turn their slogan into facts in their new EP "Hearts"", which will be released on 07.11. The band wanted to make their music accessible to the broader masses and has incorporated stylistic elements of pop in their new songs. This has resulted in a successful mixture of indie pop and rock, which is expressed differently in the 3 songs. If "Hearts" makes women's hearts melt, rockers will get their taste with "Alive"!

The album was recorded and produced in collaboration with Hannes Kelch and Sebastian Braunreuther in Brixen and Berlin. The song was written by the band London Elephants.

To "Alive", the first song of the record, a music video has already been released, which can be seen and heard on Youtube.
Further productions are already being planned for 2019.
More info at:

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