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June Nieseins - Walls

The debut single

At: 9. October 2018

Clearly, he could have had it easier, but (fortunately) decided to go the other way. Far from any pop platitude, the first pioneer to the upcoming single "Walls" will be released on 09 October 2018. As well as the stylistically very artistic video for it. The content of this single, carried by a terrific hookline, is not easy fodder, it is political, it is socially critical, it is damn honest pamphlet to himself, before all, but also against a permanently under fire world including humanity. Much more, the composition from the pen of Michael Della Giustina, enriched by strong and powerful lines, deliberately tears open wounds and hangs around the neck of society the mercilessly seductive development of an entire system. Exactly where it will be heard, exactly where it will inevitably hurt, exactly where others bump up against their own horizons. And complain rather than take themselves to task.

June Niesein is undoubtedly HIS personal heart work, you can hear and feel that in every sequence. Much more. It is the author's shining official debut work for the now starting solo activity. Previous tracks under his solo flag Michael della Giustina himself calls successful "musical walking attempts" to the top and especially to himself.
And upwards this work can and will stride. If one summarizes the courage, the musical scope, the nevertheless everywhere given peculiarity of this great pop song but also that of the artist himself in one word, "Walls" is what one simply calls a great and sharp track. It makes you damn much want to hear more.